NextFlex News – April 2022
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
After not having had visitors for many, many months during the pandemic, we were pleased to have had two VIP groups visit NextFlex at the end March. First, on March 23, the Honorable Deborah Rosenblum, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Defense Programs and Performing the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Industrial Base Policy, visited NextFlex to see our facilities up close and to engage in discussions about how her office can help accelerate FHE technology transition to the industrial base. Ms. Rosenblum was accompanied by Dr. Vic Ramdass, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Materiel Readiness; Colonel Kevin McCann, Senior Military Advisor; Dr. Christina Michienzi, Chief Technology Officer; Ms. Amanda McDaniel, Director of Industry Engagements, Mr. Steve McKee, Director of Enterprise Maintenance Technologies; and Steven Nelson, DMEA. NextFlex provided a technology overview that showed how flexible and hybrid electronics are making their way into devices and systems that are helping the warfighter as well as the consumer in a multitude of applications.
The following day, several BioMADE team members, led by CTO Dr. Melanie Tomczak, visited NextFlex to share details of their mission and technology focus with the intention of finding collaborative projects that would help members common to both institutes. Participating BioMADE staff included Dr. Mustapha Beydoun, CFO & Operations Officer; Angela Campo, Government Deputy Program Manager; Dr. Steve Evans, Senior Technical Fellow; Dr. Clem Fortman, Director of Technical Programs; Ms. Penny Norquist, Senior Technology Program Manager, and Ms. Louise Petruzzella, Senior Education and Workforce Development Program Manager.
We were delighted to welcome these visitors to NextFlex. If you find yourself in the San Francisco Bay Area, please let us know; we’d love to have you stop in for a visit as well.
Malcolm J. Thompson, PhD.
Executive Director