NextFlex News – February 2022
Dear Members and Colleagues,
I’m pleased to tell you that shortly we will announce funding for a new Project Call designed to advance the manufacturability of flexible and hybrid electronics devices and systems. This will be our seventh in a series of projects funded to narrow manufacturing challenges identified by the NextFlex Technical Working Groups in their roadmaps. These topics are prioritized and voted upon by the NextFlex Technical Council prior to being fully approved by the Governing Council. The Project Call 7.0 announcement will be made publicly on February 22 so stay tuned for that.
We hope that you’ll join us to learn more at the PC 7.0 Proposer’s Day and Teaming Event on the first day of our Winter FHE Symposium March 1-3 at NextFlex. To broaden participation, these events will be held virtually to enable the widest possible audience. I encourage you to attend to learn how NextFlex and the member community are advancing flexible and hybrid electronics toward commercialization. Following the Proposer’s Day and Teaming Event, a workshop focused on transitioning products from lab to scalable manufacturing will be held, and the Symposium will conclude with a members-only Technical Council meeting with a special keynote by Dr. Dev Shenoy, Principal Director for Microelectronics with the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, OUSD(R&E).
Even though parts of the Symposium will be held virtually, we are also welcoming participants to attend in person at the Technology Hub in San Jose. We would love to see you if you feel comfortable doing so.
Malcolm J. Thompson, PhD
Executive Director